Sterling Rosemary Necklace

by Four Girls Jewelry

ID: NE1089

NE1089 NE1089 /uploadedfiles/products/352/neckl35_1.jpg by Four Girls Jewelry
Price: $60 60.00 USD
InStock 2025-06-16
Quantity: Total: $60 Add To Cart >

Handcrafted Sterling Silver necklace with inclusions of labradorite and a singular freshwater pearl. All components are hand done, including the centerpiece which includes a silver loop, rosemary-imprinted silver component, and labradorite pendant. The rosemary leaf component was hand-done using precious-metal clay and a rosemary leaf straight from my personal garden! The necklace measures 20'' long but can be easily adjusted to any shorter length. 



Sterling Silver 925 chain

Sterling Silver 925 wire

Precious-metal clay 


Freshwater Pearl


Get to Know Your Stones:

Labradorite was first identified in the 1770s in Labrador, Newfoundland––a northeastern province of Canada. As legend has it, the Northern Lights were once trapped inside the rocks alongside Canada's coast. It wasn't until a fearless warrior broke the rocks with a spear that the lights were released into the sky. The remaining undestroyed rocks are said to still hold the Northern Lights inside, giving Labradorite it's unique, iridescent glow. 



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